Proper Disposal of Lithium Ion Batteries

In an era where technology dominates our daily lives, the proper disposal of lithium-ion batteries has emerged as a crucial environmental concern. As you read this, you're likely within arm's reach of several devices powered by these very batteries—smartphones, laptops, tablets, and more. While these batteries power our modern lifestyle, their end-of-life management poses significant challenges. Recycling batteries, particularly lithium-ion, is not just about waste management; it's a critical step toward sustainability and environmental conservation. Through this article, we'll explore the importance of battery recycling services and how organizations like ours, NewTech Recycling are leading the way in the proper disposal of these power sources.

The Importance of Recycling Batteries

Why focus on recycling batteries, you might wonder? Lithium-ion batteries contain heavy metals and other substances that can be hazardous if released into the environment. When these batteries end up in landfills, they pose a risk of soil and water contamination. Moreover, the improper disposal of these batteries can lead to fires in waste facilities due to their residual charge. However, beyond the avoidance of environmental hazards, recycling batteries serves a dual purpose: it conserves resources and supports the circular economy. The materials recovered from lithium-ion batteries, such as cobalt, lithium, and nickel, are valuable and can be used in the manufacture of new batteries or other products. By choosing to recycle, we not only prevent environmental damage but also reduce the need for virgin materials, decreasing the overall environmental footprint of our tech-centric lives. NewTech Recycling, situated in the heart of NY/NJ, stands at the forefront of these efforts, offering comprehensive battery recycling services to mitigate these environmental threats.

How to Properly Dispose of Lithium-Ion Batteries

Proper disposal begins with you, the consumer. The first step is to ensure that your lithium-ion batteries are no longer usable and cannot be rejuvenated or repurposed. Once a battery reaches this point, it’s important to handle it with care, adhering to safety guidelines to prevent damage or injury. Here’s how you can ensure your batteries are ready for a new life through recycling:

  1. Find a Recycling Facility: Look for local recycling centers like NewTech Recycling that specialize in battery recycling services. These facilities are equipped to handle the complexities of lithium-ion battery recycling.
  2. Prepare for Drop-off: Ensure that the battery terminals are covered with tape to prevent short circuits. For individual batteries, placing them in separate bags can also be a good practice.
  3. Drop-off or Schedule a Pickup: Visit the recycling facility for drop-off, or if available, schedule a pickup from your location. Some facilities offer mail-in options for convenience.

By choosing a r2 certified and responsible recycler like New Tech Recycling, you're not only disposing of your batteries properly but also contributing to a greener planet. Facilities like ours ensure that your batteries are handled according to the highest environmental and safety standards.

What Happens to Recycled Batteries?

Once lithium-ion batteries reach facilities like NewTech Recycling, a sophisticated and meticulous process begins to give these batteries new life. The recycling process involves several stages:

  1. Safety Check and Preparation: Batteries are sorted and prepared for processing, ensuring they are safe to handle.
  2. Mechanical Processing: Batteries are broken down mechanically into their composite materials.
  3. Chemical Separation: The composite materials undergo chemical processes to separate and recover valuable metals like lithium, cobalt, and nickel.
  4. Purification and Repurposing: Recovered materials are purified and then repurposed for new uses, including the creation of new batteries or other products.

This process not only diverts hazardous waste from landfills but also conserves natural resources by recovering valuable materials. By participating in recycling batteries, you contribute to a cycle of sustainability that benefits the environment and economy alike.

The Consequences of Improper Disposal

Improper disposal of lithium-ion batteries carries significant environmental and health risks. When these batteries end up in landfills, they can corrode and release toxic substances into the soil and waterways, contributing to pollution and endangering wildlife and human health. Moreover, the risk of fires in waste facilities is heightened by improperly disposed of lithium-ion batteries, posing danger to workers and the surrounding community.

Instances of fires at recycling facilities and in garbage trucks, just a few of the results of not recycling,  have brought to light the volatile nature of these batteries when not handled correctly. These incidents highlight the critical need for proper disposal and the invaluable role of dedicated battery recycling services in safeguarding public health and the environment.


The journey of a lithium-ion battery from a power source to a recycled material is complex but essential for our planet's health. As we continue to rely on electronic devices, the importance of recycling batteries cannot be overstated. Facilities like NewTech Recycling play a pivotal role in this process, offering battery recycling services that ensure the safe and effective repurposing of these materials.

We encourage everyone to take part in this essential environmental effort. By choosing to recycle your lithium-ion batteries with certified recyclers like NewTech Recycling, you're making a choice for a sustainable future. Together, we can reduce our environmental impact, conserve natural resources, and pave the way for a cleaner, greener world.

Learn more about how you can contribute to battery recycling efforts and help make a difference today. Your actions, no matter how small, play a crucial role in our collective environmental stewardship.

Cell Phone Recycling Facts

There are billions of people on this planet, which means there are billions of cell phones. Of course, no one uses the same cell phone their entire life. People burn through phones at an astonishingly rapid rate, meaning billions of cell phones are being thrown away all the time. 

The more cell phones that simply get thrown away, the more the environment and subsequently the planet. That’s why it is so important to recycle cell phones instead.

This is a responsibility that should be embraced not only by individuals but also by businesses. Here are some cell phone recycling facts for you and your company to keep in mind.

Only a Small Percentage of Cell Phones Are Recycled

While many people embrace recycling, the number of cell phones successfully recycled is appallingly low. Patrick Sinclair, Founder and Tech Blogger at All Home Robotics said "Although virtually 100% of phones are reusable and recyclable, only a mere 15% percent is actually currently recycled in the US." The number phones discarded each year is close to 150 million.

Cell Phones Harm the Environment with Toxic Chemicals

When people throw cell phones away, they end up in landfills, taking up valuable space for other rubbish. We don’t have enough room on Earth to cover everything in piles of discarded mobile phones. Imagine a future in which we run out of space to build housing because endless piles of garbage, including trillions of discarded cell phones, litter 90% of the planet.

JJ Lee, Digital PR Executive at Digital Funnel,  points out that "If we were to actually recycle the estimated 130 million phones that are thrown away every year in the US alone, you could potentially save enough energy to adequately power around 25'000 homes for an entire calendar year."

The real trouble starts when you consider that discarded cell phones don’t just take up space; the tons of e-waste those phones create damages the environment. Worse, the effects of e-waste on water, soil, and air pose a serious public health risk because of the toxic chemicals they contain.

Most cell phones contain harmful chemicals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and even arsenic! Imagine having thousands of ounces of arsenic seeping into your groundwater. That wouldn’t be good! 

Even if you are not particularly passionate about the environment, you should be passionate enough to recycle cell phones because of the health problems the metric tons of this electronics waste can cause.

The chemicals contained in most cell phones can cause cancer and neurological problems. In some cases, these chemicals can also cause serious fertility problems. 

We Can Use More Material by Recycling Cell Phones Than Most People Think

If you think cell phones are too small to contain any significant materials to recycle, think again. Not sure what to do with old cables left over from previous phones? Those can, and should, be recycled, too. There are plenty of valuable materials inside cell phones, their circuit boards, charging cords, and other components that can be recycled, recovered, and reused.

For example, tens of thousands of pounds of copper can be recovered by recycling 1 million cell phones. Copper is used in wiring, electrical components, plumbing, and thousands of other applications. Palladium, a metal used to make catalytic converters and jewelry, is another resource that can be recovered by recycling cell phones.

As such, both substances are incredibly valuable.

Silver and gold can also be recovered by recycling old cell phones. In fact, by recycling a million cell phones, 50 pounds of gold can be recovered. 

The fact that gold, silver, copper, and palladium are harvested by recycling cell phones means businesses need to make a more serious effort. Companies stand to benefit from recycling cell phones more than you might think.

For example, if you are in the automotive manufacturing industry, you can help keep the price of palladium in check by ensuring more cell phones are recycled. 

Stephen Curry, Chief Executive Officer at CocoSign, backs this point up, saying "Precious metals such as gold and silver may be collected as part of cell phone recycling. Surprisingly, the mobile device you take with you everywhere contains several valuable metals. Cell phones and other electronic equipment have trace levels of gold, silver, and even cadmium."

What’s the Best Way for Businesses to Recycle Cell Phones?

Now that you know more about the importance of recycling cell phones, you might be wondering about the best way for businesses to recycle old mobile phones. However, recycling cell phones independently is one of the most costly and ineffective ways for businesses to recycle cell phones. 

Savvy businesses partner up with accomplished organizations such as New Tech Recycling to handle it for them. By partnering with a service like New Tech Recycling, you can be sure those old, discarded cell phones will be recycled properly, promptly, and professionally.  

Invest in a Cleaner, More Profitable World with New Tech Recycling

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make today is failing to recognize the global cost of electronic waste and not understanding that a cleaner world can also be a more profitable world. New Tech Recycling understands this. That’s why we are dedicated to helping businesses recycle all manner of e-waste, including cell phones, mobile devices, computers, and more. 

We proudly serve the business communities of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. Countless businesses throughout the North East rely on us to recycle their discarded cell phones because they know we can be trusted. 

Recycling is just the right thing to do! As Founder of Global Green Family May Flanagan points out, "By donating viable electronics that you don't need, you're hitting two birds with one stone - you're helping someone who needs a phone and you're reducing electronic waste too."

Ready to start enjoying the benefits of corporate recycling? Then you’re ready to call New Tech Recycling!

What is Data Destruction and What Method of Erasing is Best?

Data destruction erases or destroys data. The method of destruction will depend on your preferences and the type of data in question. For instance, if you want to delete unimportant files from your computer, using an empty recycle bin folder will usually be enough.


On the other hand, if you’re dealing with hard drives full of sensitive information, you will need specialized equipment that only a professional data destruction service like Newtech Recycling can provide.


Not only does erasing your sensitive data keep your business secure, but you also help combat the global cost of electronic waste, which is becoming a bigger problem as electronics take a primary role in people’s lives. Below, we’ll discuss some of the most common data destruction methods and what erasing is best. Check out this critical advice from Newtech Recycling.

Use the Recycle Bin Method to Erase Computer Data

As previously mentioned, if you want to quickly delete essential junk files from your computer without worrying about formatting your computer’s hard drive, then using the recycle bin method should do the trick every time.


This method works by moving your files to a separate folder in the computer’s memory where they can’t be accessed through the usual means. However, your data is still available in the recycle bin until you permanently delete it. If you don’t delete it completely, you (or someone else) can recover that data from your operating system even if you think you’ve deleted it for good.

Overwriting Data Before Erasure

Overwriting your data is a data destruction method that involves writing over your files instead of deleting them. This method works by putting random information in the space where your old information used to be so that no one can reaccess it.


As a bonus, you won’t have to format your computer’s hard drive before starting this method. Of course, the erased data is no longer recoverable, but the technique is fast and straightforward.

Use Degaussing for Effective Data Destruction

Degaussing is a data destruction method where you expose the media (tapes or drives) to strong magnetic fields to erase the information stored on them.


The strength of this method depends on several factors, such as the type of degausser you’re using and how long you’ve put your media through said degausser. If you’re a national institute with super-sensitive data that you need to erase, degaussing is usually the method you should use.


A screen filled with unintelligible data is shown.


Use Special Software to Erase Computer Data

If you need server equipment recycling, specialized software will help you achieve your goal more quickly than anything else. When you use these programs, they overwrite your existing stored data with random information so that no one can recover your old data.


This method is sometimes known as data wiping because the software cleans any data you have and overwrites it so that neither you nor anyone else can ever reaccess it.

Electronic Shredding is Another Effective Method

The electronic shredding method destroys the hard drive or physical data by shredding it entirely. This data destruction method is typically done with a machine that shreds discs, platters, drives, or any other physical data component. 


This type of electronic shredding renders the data virtually impossible to access. If you’re worried about information security with your deleted data, electronic shredding is one way to get rid of your sensitive data.

Physical Destruction is a Viable Option

Physical destruction is a data destruction method that requires you to physically destroy your computer or other physical data compositors by smashing them with a hammer or burning it.


This data erasure method is suitable for old computers or equipment. Still, you should know that this method does not work on new devices that are explicitly outfitted against physical damage. Therefore, you should use this method as a last resort.

What is the Best Method for Data Destruction?

The method of erasing that you choose will depend on your preferences and the type of data in question. If you want to ensure your data is gone for good, shredding is undoubtedly your best option, and that’s because it makes it nearly impossible for anyone to access your old data. In addition, shredding breaks up all the pieces of information so that no one can ever put them together again.


Of course, not everyone has easy access to proper shredding equipment, and that’s where ITAD companies like Newtech Recycling come in. Our mission is, first and foremost, to make sure that your data is disposed of safely and securely.

Newtech Recycling Can Help You with Data Erasure

Overall, data destruction can be a confusing and complicated matter. There are many different types of data erasure techniques out there that you can use, but the method you choose will depend on your preferences and the kind of data in question.


When it comes to businesses looking to dispose of sensitive files, such as internal memos, banking information, or client contact data, shredding is still your best bet. Please don’t wait another minute; protect your company, your clients, and the environment we share by contacting the data destruction professionals at Newtech Recycling.

11 Facts About E-Waste and Its Global Impact

These days, it's hard to imagine a world without electronics. In our digital age, we rely on electronic devices for everything from cooking our food to brushing our teeth, not to mention the vast entertainment sector. 

However, the convenience of these devices comes with a hidden cost: electronics waste. Newtech Recycling is at the forefront of addressing the e-waste challenge, emphasizing the importance of education and awareness. We believe that as more people understand the global implications of electronic waste, we can collaboratively work towards responsible disposal and e-waste management solutions.

Defining E-Waste: The Hidden Cost of Our Digital Age

Ever wonder what to do with old cables? What about your mobile phones that become obsolete when you get the new version? Your old circuit boards certainly aren’t doing anyone any good, so what now?

These items exemplify e-waste, which encompasses any electronic product that's no longer in use, either due to technological advancements or malfunction.

While it's natural for devices to outlive their utility, the disposal of old electronics presents a pressing dilemma. The challenge isn’t only about discarding unwanted items; it's also about understanding the environmental and health risks associated with improper e-waste management.

If you’re still learning about e-waste, you’ve come to the right place. We have a few quick facts for you that can help you understand and contribute to a bigger solution.

1. Many Electronics Contain Toxic Materials

Many of today's electronics, which have become integral to our daily lives, contain hazardous substances. Materials such as cadmium, lead, mercury, and beryllium are commonly found in these devices. When e-waste piles up in landfills, these toxic elements can break down and seep into the environment, known as leaching.

2. Leaching Can Poison Water

You’ve probably never even considered the effects of e-waste on water – that’s okay; not many people have. When leaching happens under landfills with e-waste, the toxic waste materials that build up can leak into the water found underground.

3. Recycling Saves Energy

According to USInsuranceAgents Sustainability Expert Imani Francies, “The energy saved by recycling e-waste is enough to power thousands of households for an entire year. While most people think of recycling as a time and energy-intensive process, it can really save both energy and time.”

Did you know recycling one million laptops saves enough energy to power 3,600 homes annually? That statistic may sound unbelievable, but it’s true. Simply by recycling electronics, not only can we minimize e-waste, but we can save energy and minimize costs. 

4. E-Waste Ends Up in Other Countries

When cellphones and stereos go to die, they aren’t recycled like we would all prefer. Instead, they go into landfills – that much we already know.

It's a common misconception that our discarded electronics remain within our borders. In reality, a significant portion ends up in landfills located in Asia and Africa. This international e-waste disposal pattern underscores the global nature of the problem and highlights the shared responsibility we have in addressing it.

5. Tons of E-Waste Is Thrown Out Each Year 

Eoin Piggott from Wisetek provides a sobering perspective on the sheer volume of e-waste generated: “The amount of e-waste in the world is growing at an alarming rate. According to a report published by the United Nations, only 17.4% of e-waste created in 2019 was actually recycled, with the United States creating 6.92 million tons of e-waste in the same year.”

These figures emphasize the critical need for robust e-waste management and recycling initiatives.

6. A Very Small Amount of E-Waste is Currently Recycled 

Despite growing awareness, current recycling rates for e-waste remain alarmingly low. Only about 12.5% of all e-waste is currently being recycled, leaving the vast majority to accumulate in landfills. Some electronics are burned and melted down in incinerators, but this method also releases toxins into the air. 

7. E-Waste Makes Up Most Toxic Waste 

One of the most startling revelations about e-waste is its dominance in the toxic waste category. E-waste accounts for an estimated 70% of all toxic waste worldwide. This fact underscores the pressing need to address the environmental and health hazards posed by the improper disposal of electronics.

8. E-Waste is Contributing to the Rapid Price Rise in Metals 

As electronic devices become obsolete, they are often discarded without a second thought. However, these devices often contain precious metals. When we irresponsible discard of these products, we inadvertently lead to a rise in the cost of these metals. 

For perspective, a staggering amount of these metals, equivalent to that found in several ore mines, can be reclaimed from just a million discarded cell phones. For every one million cell phones thrown out, there are about 250 kg of silver, 24 kg of gold, and 9 tons of copper that could have been recovered. 

9. E-Waste Is Worth Billions 

The global e-waste scenario is both an environmental concern and an economic one. Experts estimate that the combined value of discarded electronics is worth at least $62.5 billion, surpassing the GDP of many nations.

10. E-Waste Is Expected to Double

According to the World Economic Forum, e-waste is expected to double and will continue to grow exponentially if nothing is done to mitigate the issue. That is, if nothing changes in the way we dispose of electronic waste, it will simply continue to pile up and poison the world around us.  

Tucker Anderson, Founder and Owner of Black Diamond Junk Removal, says, “The amount of e-waste that is created globally is expected to double between 2014 and 2030.”

11. All Electronics Are Recyclable

Austin Dowse, CEO at Aimvein, brings attention to a crucial aspect of e-waste: “In the United States, over 70% of people throw away their cell phones immediately after buying a new one even though they could be repaired. Whereas only 20 percent of that material was recycled or composted.” 

Almost every form of electronics has at least one recyclable, salvageable part. Even server equipment recycling is vital. Most electronics include materials like glass, metals, and plastic – all of which we can collect and repurpose. In truth, there are far too many electronics being thrown away that still have value to them. 

Take Action with Newtech Recycling

The facts about e-waste paint a clear picture: the challenge is immense, but so is the opportunity. Every discarded device offers a chance to make a positive environmental impact, conserve valuable resources, and drive sustainable change. Electronic devices are more ubiquitous today than ever before, both in the workplace and at home. Cell phones, computers, cords and cables, copy, fax, and print machines, the list goes on and on; which of these devices will eventually need to be recycled? The answer, for anyone who cares about the environment, the economy, or human health, is “all of them.”

That’s a lot of work. Newtech Recycling exists to make the process easier for everyone. Let’s work together to strive for a better future. Contact Newtech Recycling today.

Where Does America’s E-Waste End Up?

As electronics become ubiquitous in our lives, understanding what happens to them when we throw it should be concerning. All too often, more waste ends up in landfills than in recycling centers. At Newtech Recycling, that’s exactly what we’re trying to prevent.

Here’s why:

No Federal Laws for E-Waste Disposal

Unfortunately, federal laws do not require individuals and businesses to dispose of e-waste so that it can be recycled. Some states have made laws to slow the increase of e-waste being tossed into landfills, and in some states, it is illegal to choose not to recycle used electronics. On the federal level, however, there is very little regulation regarding the disposal of electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, and the like.

Harmful Chemicals and Metals

Circuit boards and other components have hazardous chemicals and metals that leach out of landfills and into waterways. When the components burn, the plastics release harmful chemicals like dioxins (also called POPs, or Persistent Organic Pollutants) into the air. The effects of e-waste on water, air, and soil can be very detrimental to the health of people living and working nearby, causing such health issues as lead poisoning, respiratory sickness, and even cancer.

Large Items Occupying Landfills

While smartphones and other personal devices continue to shrink in size, larger electronic devices like video cameras, DVD players, televisions, and desktop computers occupy significant space in landfills. When consumers bring these items to recycling centers, the metals and circuit boards can be repurposed in new devices and other creative ways. 

Other large items in landfills include household items like kitchen appliances, toys, power tools, video-game consoles, and lamps. 

Some people argue that irreparable e-waste cannot be recycled. This is far from the truth. ITAD companies processing e-waste can remove the chemicals and metals so they can be reused elsewhere. Innovative artists and designers repurpose parts that no longer work, like broken circuit boards and covers.

Slowing the Mining Process

Nearly all electronics have metals like gold, silver, and copper in them. The planet has a limited supply of precious metals, so choosing not to recycle them is wasteful. When metals aren’t recycled, mining companies have to use more energy, water, and natural resources to scour the earth to replace them. 

By utilizing server equipment recycling, companies do not need to use environmentally harmful mining practices to replace copper, palladium, silver, and gold. These practices pollute the air and water. Instead, innovative companies can use safer technologies to remove metals from the devices, slowing new mining. 

Along with burying precious metals in landfills, when e-waste is not recycled, harmful chemicals and metals like lead and mercury end up polluting the soil and groundwater. 

Shipping E-waste to Other Countries

The United States creates millions of tons of e-waste annually. Rather than recycling and processing e-waste in the country, much of the processing is in other countries. Recyclers in the US are shipping e-waste overseas, where countries remove the valuable metals and parts to use in new products. 

While recycling benefits the environment, the cost and resources used to ship e-waste overseas negate some of the benefits. The majority of e-waste ends up in China, where labor costs are much cheaper than in the US, and where federal laws are even more lax. The US could save money and natural resources by doing the same work within its own borders, while also strengthening the economy by employing more US workers.

Processing E-Waste for New Products

Processing e-waste involves separating the plastics and metals from the exterior and the interior components. To make it worthwhile, companies have to choose methods that make the components valuable to other manufacturers. Removing the plastic and shredding it gives other manufactures resources to use for new products. 

To remove the recyclable materials, companies need workers who can separate the valuable commodities. They often do this on a conveyor belt or with a strong magnet that pulls iron and steel away from the circuit boards and other components. 

Companies then need to devise ways to remove the gold, silver, aluminum, and copper from the e-waste. Many rely on water to separate glass, plastic, and other materials. Companies that use water separation technology can use reclaimed water to reduce reliance on more limited natural resources and raw materials.  

Help Newtech Recycling Keep E-Waste Where it Belongs

Many components in today’s electronics are manufactured using chemicals and metals that are dangerous to the environment, including mercury, lead, and cadmium. Some of these substances act as poisonous neurotoxins, while others can cause lung damage when inhaled. When improperly disposed of, e-waste introduces toxic chemicals into the air we breathe and the water we drink.

E-waste is just as damaging to the economy, wasting precious resources and increasing the scarcity (and thus the cost) of available materials. For anyone that cares about leaving behind a healthy economy and environment for future generations, proper e-waste recycling is critical.

Get in touch with Newtech Recycling today and help us build a better tomorrow.

8 E-Waste Recycling Facts

Many businesses don't realize that they should properly recycle their e-waste. It might take a little more initiative, but we can promise you that the benefits are well worth it. 

Need more convincing? Check out these top e-waste recycling facts. They're interesting, shocking, and, most importantly, compelling. By the end of this post, you'll be rushing to your closest waste recycling provider. 

1. The production of one computer and monitor uses 530 pounds of fossil fuels.

When electronic devices reach the end of their lives, their impact is usually apparent. People realize that they end up in landfills and release toxins that harm the environment and humans. More on these effects later.

What may not be as apparent is the impact of electronic devices before they ever leave the manufacturing plant. 

For instance, consider what it takes to make one computer and monitor. Manufacturers will use 1.5 tons of water and 48 pounds of chemicals in the production process, not to mention 530 pounds of fossil fuels. That's a lot of resources to set up one worker's cubicle! 

Knowing how many raw materials go into the production of electronic devices emphasizes the need to properly recycle. If businesses don't learn how to recycle PC computers, they'll be furthering their environmental impact long after they leave the office.

2. In 2019, only 17.4% of e-waste was recycled.

There's no doubt that the production of electronic devices harms the environment. But everyone does everything in their power to properly recycle them, right? 

Unfortunately, no. Not everyone nor all businesses are conscious of their impact. Even though the world produced 53.6 million metric tons of e-waste in 2019, only 17.4% was recycled.

3. Unrecycled e-waste led to an unrecoverable $57 billion in raw materials.  

What about the other 82.6% of the world's e-waste? Providers either burned it or tossed it into landfills, which causes environmental effects that we'll discuss later. 

For now, recognize that the lack of waste recycling prevents us from extracting gold, silver, and other raw materials from old devices. 2019 saw $57 billion worth of these raw materials go to waste, forcing manufacturers to put continual stress on the world's dwindling supply. 

4. China and the United States are the world's leading producers of e-waste. 

When hearing all of these numbers about e-waste, you might wonder who's to blame.

The two main culprits in 2019 were China and the United States, with a production of 10,129 and 6,918 metric tons, respectively. 

Especially in today's world, it seems unreasonable to suggest that these countries limit their production of electronic devices. Thus, it's important to advocate for sustainable waste recycling practices and electronic recycling laws

5. E-waste that ends up in landfills contributes to climate change. 

When people fail to properly recycle electronic devices, they end up in landfills where providers burn them just to get rid of them.

The burning facilitates the release of carbon dioxide, PBDEs, and raw materials like aluminum, copper, and iron. All of these toxins contribute to climate change and continue to strain Earth's resources. 

It's also worth mentioning that these toxins aren't just harmful to the environment — they're harmful to humans. They pose serious health risks to us when they seep into our air, water, and soil. 

6. E-waste accounts for 70% of America's hazardous waste. 

If fact #5 didn't convince you of the toxic nature of devices, fact #6 will. 

E-waste accounts for 70% of all hazardous materials in United States landfills. This statistic is particularly shocking when you consider e-waste only accounts for 2-3% of all trash. 

If we properly recycle e-waste, we significantly reduce the amount of hazardous waste floating around. Thus, your business needs to work with a certified electronics recycler like Newtech Recycling. 

7. Improper e-waste recycling causes 25% of data breaches. 

The answer to “Can I recycle a printer?” is yes, making the process sound simple. Unfortunately, you can't just drop your devices off at a recycling plant because you must consider proper data destruction. 

Manually deleting your files on a hard drive isn't enough, as the data is still recoverable. Savvy hackers can access everything from customer credit card information to classified business records. 

In fact, improper e-waste recycling is responsible for 25% of data breaches. You can save your business from becoming the next victim by choosing a reputable recycler to handle everything from data destruction to the final disposal. 

Now, if you choose just any recycler, you remain at risk of data breaches. Sketchy providers may ship your electronic devices to foreign countries without deleting your information or regulating access. 

Thus, it's in your best interest to choose a reputable provider like Newtech Recycling. We are very thorough in every step of the process and prioritize your business's security over all else. 

8. Waste recycling gives your business street cred. 

Reducing your environmental impact should be enough to convince you that waste recycling is worth the effort. But if it's not, consider that it can give your business major street cred. 

Customers are increasingly looking for businesses that adopt sustainable practices. When you show that you are being responsible by properly recycling electronics, customers will prefer you over other companies that aren't as conscious. Plus, you'll build credibility by complying with local or state laws. 

Contact Newtech Recycling Today

These eight facts should give you a good overview of e-waste and its impact on the world. Now, it's time to put these ideas into practice instead of letting your company become part of another dispiriting statistic.

Ready to set a good example for your employees, customers, and employees? Contact Newtech Recycling today for help getting rid of your old electronic devices responsibly. We'll walk you through our services and show you how you can use your power to make a difference!

Recycling Your Old Cell Phone: Here's What Happens

In today’s digitally-driven world, cell phones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. However, with the rapid advancement of technology, these devices quickly become outdated, leading to a significant amount of electronic waste. At NewTech Recycling, we understand the importance of responsibly recycling your old cell phones. Let us help you understand our process of cell phone recycling, ensuring that you are well-informed about the journey of your device from your hands to a sustainable future.

The Journey of Recycling Your Old Cell Phone

The first step in the recycling process is collecting your old cell phones. At NewTech Recycling, we provide easy and accessible drop-off points or arrange pickups for bulk quantities. Once collected, the phones are transported to our recycling facility, where they begin their journey of transformation.

Upon arrival at our facility, each cell phone undergoes a thorough assessment. We categorize them based on their condition, age, and potential for reuse. Functional phones are earmarked for refurbishment, while non-functional ones are directed towards material recovery.

Ensuring the privacy and security of your data is paramount. We employ rigorous data destruction processes, adhering to industry standards, to wipe all personal information from your devices. This step is crucial in maintaining your digital security.

Refurbishment and Reuse 

Refurbishment is a key component of electronic recycling. Phones that are deemed suitable for reuse are carefully refurbished. This process includes repairing, updating software, and replacing necessary components. These refurbished phones are then made available for resale, extending their lifecycle and reducing the need for new materials.

For phones that cannot be refurbished, material recovery is the next step. These devices are dismantled, and materials such as plastics, glass, and metals are separated. This meticulous separation is essential for the next stage of recycling.

Cell phones contain a variety of valuable materials, including copper, gold, and rare earth elements. Through specialized processes like smelting and chemical treatments, these materials are extracted. This not only conserves natural resources but also reduces the environmental impact of mining new materials.


The extracted materials are then sent to manufacturers to be used in the production of new products. This can range from new electronic devices to other items like jewelry or automotive parts, showcasing the versatility of recycled materials.

Not all components of a cell phone can be recycled. For these parts, NewTech Recycling ensures proper disposal in accordance with environmental regulations, minimizing any potential harm to the ecosystem.

Recycling your old cell phone is a simple yet impactful action towards a sustainable future. At NewTech Recycling, we are committed to ensuring that each stage of the recycling process is conducted with the utmost care and responsibility. By choosing to recycle your old cell phone, you are not only contributing to the conservation of natural resources but also aiding in the reduction of electronic waste. Together, we can pave the way towards a greener, more sustainable world. Remember, every cell phone recycled is a step closer to a healthier planet.

8 Steps You Can Take to Reduce E-Waste

The technological advances that have happened in the last decade are astounding. It seems a new smartphone comes out every month (along with all their unique accessories). But because of this abundance, we're accumulating more electronic waste than ever. 

And unfortunately, improperly disposing of electronic products can have dire consequences for the environment. If you're ready to make strides in conscious consumerism, we've got you covered. Read below to discover why reducing e-waste is important and learn eight ways you can minimize your e-waste. 

Why Is Reducing E-Waste Important?

Electronic products may be convenient, but you can always have too much of a good thing. Manufacturing electronic products like computers and phones requires rare natural materials, like lanthanum and cerium. When you reduce your electronic waste, you're contributing to the conservation of these limited resources. 

Additionally, understanding why is e-waste dangerous is essential to our planet's long-term well-being. Improperly disposing of electronic products impacts our soil and water quality. Toxins from batteries, paint, and other components can move through our soil and water. These toxins may even include lead or mercury, which inflict significant harm on the environment

Thankfully, you can reduce your e-waste by implementing the following eight tips into your life.

1. Make Careful Purchases 

We get it — it's easy to fall into the “new and shiny” trap. Advertising exists, and it works. 

But before you jump on the latest and greatest technological advances, take a second to think about the waste problem that consumerism can cause. Really, really think. Do you really need this item? Or does the one you have work just fine?


CocoFax Co-Founder Olivia Tan also believes in simply reducing the number of electronics you choose to purchase.

“It’s so easy to purchase a sleek TV, the latest mobile phone, or a brand-new laptop. Most people don’t even stop to think if they really need them. Before buying anything, ask yourself whether you really need it,” said Tan. “If you’re buying a new device even though your old one is in good working condition, why not simply upgrade the software? You can repair your old laptop instead of buying a new one. Being a sensible consumer will go a long way in productively managing your household’s e-waste.”

Simply letting your electronic products live out their full life is an easy, effective way to reduce the impact of your e-waste. 

2. Sell Old But Functional Electronic Products

Content & Outreach Manager at The Speaking Polymath Jessica Robinson believes it is a good idea to try and sell your old devices if they aren’t broken. 


“Donate used electronics or re-sell them if you feel tempted to buy a new device when your previous one is still fully functional and you cannot resist the temptation…” said Robinson. “It is always better to give your old devices to those who need them. This can help you reduce your e-waste to a large extent.”

If you have older products collecting dust on the shelf, why not sell them? You're sure to find a buyer, as you'll be offering the used product at a lower rate than other retailers. 

You make a nice buck, and the buyer receives an updated device. It's a win-win for everyone involved! And, you don't have to worry about your device's components leaching into the environment and polluting the earth's soil and water

Donate used electronics or re-sell them: If you feel tempted to buy a new device when your previous one is still fully functional and you cannot resist the temptation, you should try to donate your old device or re-sell it rather than just throwing it away. It is always better to give your old devices to those who need them. This can help you reduce your e-waste to a large extent.


  1. Donate Your Electronic Products

Happy DIY Home Founder Jen Stark says “One big thing you can do to reduce your e-waste is to donate any used but working electronics you have to a social program. These programs help children safety initiatives, victims of domestic violence, and environmental causes.”


Donating your unused gadget to someone who needs it more than you is a great want to give it the gift of a new life. We live in a world where Internet access and instant communication are almost imperative for holding a job, managing expenses, and taking care of basic needs. Despite this shift in how we live, a large “digital divide” exists between those of different economic backgrounds — and it creates greater disparities that make it harder for people to advance in their careers and social lives.

Donating unused electronic products is way better than improperly disposing of them. Besides, you get the chance to help someone in need and feel good about it. 

4. Organize Your Devices

It's time to gather your old cables, phones, and the other gadgets you have sitting around. Taking inventory of current devices lets you know exactly what you might need and what you don't. 

Think about how many times you've purchased a new charging cable just to find the old one between the couch cushions (thank goodness for cable recycling). It's frustrating to waste money on duplicates like that. Knowing what's in your inventory can save you annoyance, reduce your electronic waste footprint, and prevent components from polluting the earth's soil and water. 

5. Purchase Environmentally-Friendly Electronic Products 

Environmentally friendly devices are out there, believe it or not. It's just about seeking them out. 

Electronic products with a label from ENERGY STAR will consume less energy and reduce your monthly electric bill. 

Additionally, you'll want to find products with certification from the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool(EPEAT). This branch of the EPA helps manufacturers, sellers, and buyers alike find environmentally conscious products. 

6. Learn About Buy-Back Programs

Certain manufacturers like Apple and Samsung now offer buy-back programs. In some cases, you'll receive cash or a gift card for your devices. On the other hand, companies may allow you to use the money for a product upgrade. Buy-back programs really make for effortless computer recycling

7. Maintain Your Gadgets

You can help increase the life of your electronics (and therefore reduce waste) by keeping them well-maintained. We've included a few key tips to help you out:

Maintaining Your Phones

  •             Invest in a screen protector and phone case. These products will protect your phone screen and buttons in case you drop your device.
  •           Don't fully charge your battery unless you need to, as keeping your battery in between 30 and 80% will prolong its life.
  •             Clean your phone often (especially under your case) so that dirt doesn't clog your buttons or outputs.
  • Founder & Marketing Director at Spyic, Katherine Brown, also believes it is a good idea to cleanse your phone’s hard drive, saying “clean it up properly by removing any data on it with disk-cleaning software.”

Maintaining Your Computers & Laptops

  •             Monitor your hard drive, and don't let it get full. This initiative will help with the device's performance and functionality.
  •             Routinely check your storage and clear out unnecessary installations or downloads.
  •             Like your phone, you'll want to clean your computer or laptop often. Pay special attention to your keyboard and trackpad, as dust and dirt can easily fall into the spaces.
  •             Once again, don't overcharge your battery. It's best to unplug the charger before the battery reaches 100%.

When you maintain your electronic products, you'll pay for fewer repairs. You can also increase the time between new products and decrease the electronic waste problem in our landfills. 

8. Recycle Electronic Products

As the volume of e-waste skyrockets, improper disposal becomes more hazardous to our soil and water each day. Recycling electronic products is essential if you can't sell, donate, or repair them.

Recycling electronic products will allow companies to re-purpose the expensive parts inside for future use. This process helps save energy and reduces the need to mine raw materials from the earth.

Co-Founder & Marketing Director Alina Clark also believes recycling your products is the way to go. 


“Whenever [you] have electronics that [you] can't sell, [you can] opt to offer them for recycling at a nearby recycling plant,” said Clark. “Electronic components like motherboards shouldn't be thrown away. They're still usable once recycled.”

If you're not sure where to turn regarding electronics disposal, we're here to help. 

Final Thoughts — Reducing the Electronic Waste Problem

Who knew being a conscious consumer was so easy — especially with your electronic products! Just think about what you buy, organize what you have, take good care of your devices, and sell, donate, or recycle what you don't need. Together, we can take care of the electronic waste problem.

E-waste harms the environment and takes up space in our landfills. Call Newtech Recycling to learn how we can help you dispose of your electronics.

How Green Are You?

Regardless of the industry you're in, green is one of the most important colors your business can have.

Now, we're not talking about green as in jealousy — we're talking about green as in the environment! Being eco-friendly is the perfect way to give back to the community that makes your business possible. 

It can be hard to measure how green your business is, as coming up with an exact calculation is impossible. Plus, focusing on the numbers can force you into an unnecessary competition. 

The goal isn't necessarily to be more environmentally friendly than your competitors. Rather, you should strive to do your part in creating a greener world. 

Below, we go over some of the most practical ways businesses can make a difference. Read on to discover the best tips! 

1. Conduct an Environmental Audit

The tips we discuss below apply to most businesses. However, it can be helpful to get advice specific to your company. 

That's why we recommend starting with an environmental audit. A third-party firm can analyze your current practices and recommend a complete overhaul. They will make custom recommendations so that you know exactly where you can improve. 

Additionally, the firm can educate you and your employees on topics such as the importance of e-waste recycling. A more informed business is almost always a more eco-friendly one. 

2. Add Recycling Bins Throughout the Office

When you get an audit, we can almost guarantee that the firm will recommend recycling bins throughout your office. And why wouldn't they? 

It's not that customers and employees don't want to recycle — they might just not have the opportunity to. Make it easy for them by adding lots of accessible, clearly marked bins. 

With these bins, people can easily recycle cups, bottles, papers, and everything in between. By taking these bins to proper collection centers, you'll be reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions

3. Reduce Plastic Bag Usage 

Another simple yet effective way to be a more eco-friendly business? Reduce your plastic bag usage. 

Businesses like retail stores and grocery stores use plastic bags every day. While plastic bags offer lots of conveniences, they aren't very environmentally friendly. 

The good news is that you can limit how many plastic bags you use without sacrificing customer satisfaction. For instance, you can offer alternatives like cardboard boxes that would otherwise get recycled. 

Other ways you can cut down on plastic bags include: 

  •             Encourage employees to make the most out of each plastic bag.
  •             Provide customers with reusable bags if they make a certain purchase.
  •             Incentivize customers who bring their own reusable bags.

4. Use Natural Lighting

This next tip is perhaps even easier to implement than limiting your use of plastic bags. It involves using what your office should already have — natural lighting!

Open up the blinds and let the rays in. You'll light up your office so that you can cut down on your electricity and heating bills. Plus, your employees are sure to appreciate the view

5. Use Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products

When you open up those blinds, a cloud of dust may appear. No judgment from us — with everything you've got going on, it can be hard to stay on top of office cleaning. 

But before you reach for your cleaning products, you should ensure they are environmentally friendly. Traditional products consist of tons of toxins, non-biodegradable materials, and other ingredients that can cause pollution and even harm your health

6. Recycle Electronics

As you go on your cleaning spree, you might encounter electronics that your company doesn't use anymore. If you want to get rid of this clutter, use an e-waste recycler. 

A provider can tell you where to recycle old tablets, recommend the best cable recycling practices, and everything in between. By tossing your devices in a responsible, eco-friendly manner, you won't just protect the environment — you'll also save sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands.

7. Reduce Water Usage

Reducing water usage is yet another way you can become a more eco-friendly business. 

Start small by analyzing your sinks and pipes for leaks. By making these easy fixes, you'll save on your water bill and conserve valuable resources. As a bonus, you'll also prevent mold growth that can ruin your indoor air quality.

If you want to make even bigger environmentally friendly strides, invest in appliances like low-flow toilets and faucet aerators. 

8. Encourage Eco-Friendly Transportation

In the U.S., personal vehicles are responsible for about 20% of the country's total emissions. 

You can't stop employees from taking their cars to your offices. But, you can make it easy for them to opt for eco-friendly opportunities. Consider taking steps such as the following: 

  •             Start carpooling groups.
  •             Install bike racks.
  •             Use an employee shuttle service.

9. Invest in Cloud Computing

There's a good chance that your office already uses cloud computing. Platforms like Google Apps, Microsoft Office 365, and Apple iCloud are popular in workplaces everywhere. 

But if you are serious about being environmentally friendly, you should go all in. Put all of your data into cloud computing platforms so that you no longer have to rely on power-hungry servers. You and your employees will save the world and get to enjoy all the benefits that come with cloud computing (paperless offices, remote access to data, etc.).

10. Review Your Procurement Practices

Implementing all of these tips will help your internal team become more eco-friendly. But if you want to be a truly green business, you have to think about who you work with.

Review your procurement practices to see where your products, supplies, and services come from. If your suppliers aren't eco-friendly, you might need to switch providers.

Work With Newtech Recycling Today

With these ten eco-friendly tips, your business will be on its way to green status in no time.

Need a little help getting there? Contact Newtech Recycling today! Our team has years of experience with proper e-waste recycling. We take your old electronics and retire them in an efficient, environmentally friendly way.

Why You Should Sell Your Used IT Equipment

Long gone are the days when you could throw away e-waste from your data centers or hand it to any garbage service. Most businesses know that recycling old hardware is necessary, but not as many know that responsibly selling their waste is an option. The key to a successful selling process is contacting a dependable ITAD vendor.


Information technology asset disposition — commonly shortened to ITAD — is safely discarding any unwanted IT equipment. IT equipment includes computers, printers, computer operating systems, phones, tablets, and other technologies used in the creation, conversion, or duplication of data or information. When IT equipment has exceeded its usefulness for your business, it can be recycled or sold. 


When looking for these recycling services, you’ll tend to see that they come along with asset recovery services. Asset recovery refers to the buying, refurbishing, and reselling of IT equipment.


Regardless of the amount of equipment you have, selling your old hardware can bring many benefits. Here’s a look at some of the most compelling reasons to sell IT equipment you no longer need. 

Selling IT Equipment Means More Money for Your Business

The most enticing reason to sell used IT equipment is that you’ll get money for things you don’t need anymore. You can put the money you receive for your old electronics towards new hardware — an instant benefit to your company’s bottom line. If you don’t need new hardware, you can allocate the money to another area of your company.


Michael Outar with Savebly always sells his old IT equipment to help upgrade his business’ tech. “One of the main reasons you should sell your used IT equipment is to get some money back that you put into the item. Tech equipment loses value fast because the industry releases new products and innovations quickly, so you most likely won’t be able to get back your full money back or anything close to it, but something is better than nothing.”


The selling process isn’t the only financial benefit. If you still use your old IT equipment, selling it and buying new hardware reduces losses from repairs and poor productivity.

Selling used IT equipment allows you to recoup some money from old tech


Increase Your Efficiency With Better Electronics

Not only can you avoid losing money on repairs, but selling e-waste can help your company perform better.


Here are three immediate ways selling your old IT equipment can benefit your business:


  • Save time. One of the most frustrating problems with outdated electronics is that they’re prone to slow loading and crashing. Loading time may not seem like a big deal, but you must remember that when time is money, every second counts.


  • Free up space. Why let unused electronics take up space in your storage when you can get paid for disposing of them? If you downsize or move, it’s especially important to get rid of dead weight.


  • Meet your needs. As your business grows and technology evolves, you’ll eventually need upgrades. Often, outdated tech can’t offer you the security and features that your workers and customers expect.


If you decide to improve your efficiency with better electronics, selling your old hardware can allow you to buy the latest technology.


Olivia Tan, Co-founder CocoFax, shared, “The key reason I sold my used IT assets was because they were outdated. By upgrading old equipment to newer equipment, I was able to improve the performance of my machines.”

Achieve Data Security with Data Destruction 

Before you seek asset disposition services — especially for server recycling— you need to understand the importance of achieving total data security.


Most information on hardware from data centers or elsewhere is confidential, meaning your business can face serious consequences if you don’t properly dispose of it. Simply turning the waste over to a recycling company is insufficient if you can’t guarantee it will destroy the data. 


To comply with data disposal laws, you can sell IT equipment to a company committed to data security. At Newtech, we offer data deletion and hardware shredding alongside asset disposition and recovery services.

Protect the Environment with E-Waste Recycling 

Electronics can contain hazardous substances that leach into water and soil. For this reason, the law requires you to recycle electronic waste properly. 


Goran with Cusmin told us, “Throwing it into the trash is not an option. There are always some who need even the old items.”


When you can’t upcycle electronics, selling them to an ecologically responsible ITAD vendor allows you to meet these requirements while enjoying the benefits of asset recovery.


While it’s true that turning parts in for recycling also protects the environment, getting money for reducing your impact is a win-win situation.

You can ensure selling IT equipment is easy and llawful by seeking an ITAD vendor with an r2 recycling certification.

Asset Recovery Offers Easy Disposal

No matter the amount of equipment you have to sell, disposing of e-waste shouldn’t have to be painful. However, certain companies may make the process tricky by being overly selective with the pieces they wish to buy or unclear during the asset recovery process. As you would with any other service, make sure the company you do business with is credible.


Eoin Piggott, Data Security Expert & Business Development Associate at Wisetek, shared some insight on this. “Many old computers, laptops, phones, and tablets can be sold or recycled for parts. You can also enlist the help of a registered and qualified ITAD Service Provider. ITAD stands for IT Asset Disposition. E-Waste and pollution are becoming more and more of a problem, so now more than ever, it is vital that we properly dispose of our old IT Equipment properly and securely.”


You can ensure your selling process is easy and law-abiding by seeking an ITAD vendor with an r2 recycling certification. For Newtech Recycling, an r2 certificate means a commitment to a safe and secure asset disposition service for all parties involved. Your electronic parts won’t end up sitting in another country’s landfill.

Sell Your Used IT Equipment Today

For companies seeking true data security, the bottom line is simple: asset recovery services make your life easier. Newtech Recycling is the premier ITAD company in the Tri-State Area and we offer the same level of customer service no matter how big or small your recycling needs. 


Don’t let your old equipment sit in a closet collecting dust. Protect your security and your bottom line when you sell IT equipment you no longer need. Contact Newtech Recycling today to free up some space in your office.