DEC: Department of Environmental Conservation
With more than 50 million metric tons of pollution produced every year due to improper disposal of electronics in landfills, e-waste is a growing problem on a global scale. Despite that, it’s a problem that many parts of the world have been slow to respond to. In the US, for example, there are no federal laws specifically regulating e-waste. Likewise, only 25 states have laws mandating proper e-waste recycling.
One of the states that does is New York, whose environmental and e-waste regulations are overseen by the Department of Environmental Conservation, or DEC.
How Does the DEC Regulate E-Waste?
The Department of Environmental Conversion was founded in 1970 as a department of the New York state government. It’s formal mission is “To conserve, improve and protect New York’s natural resources and environment and to prevent, abate and control water, land and air pollution, in order to enhance the health, safety and welfare of the people of the state and their overall economic and social well-being.”
With a population of more than 20 million people, New York has the potential to be one of the worst producers of e-waste in the country. To combat this, the NYS Electronic Equipment Recycling and Reuse Act was signed into law in 2010. This law requires New York State residents recycle many electronic waste items, such as computers and computer peripherals, televisions, small scale servers, small electronic equipment, and more.
It also requires manufacturers to provide free and convenient e-waste recycling options to their consumers, including not only individuals, but also for-profit businesses, corporations with less than 50 full time employees, not-for-profit corporations with less than 75 full time employees, not-for-profit corporations designated under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code, schools, and governmental entities. For-profit businesses with 50 or more full time employees and not-for-profit corporations with 75 or more full time employees may be charged for recycling services.
Newtech Recycling Proudly Serves New York State
Founded in 1995, Newtech Recycling has always been ahead of the curve. For decades, we’ve helped individuals and businesses in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut recycle their unwanted e-waste in an responsible and environmentally friendly manner. Now, let us help you.
For more information about Newtech Recycling’s e-waste collection and disposal services, contact us today!
Related Terms: Electronic Recycling, Certificate of Destruction, ITAD