By Joel Ihnotic – Business Development Manager Newtech Recycling
Do you ever wonder if Onsite Hard Drive Shredding is something your business could benefit from? As we move further into the future, we may find that the reality is inevitable. Thanks to the growth and sophistication of cyber security attacks around the world, witnessed destruction of sensitive media is a valuable option for any sized business to have access to. The ability to physically view and sign-off on the complete elimination of proprietary, business and personal information is a tremendously valuable action that can offer total safety and security. In a regulatory world, the value of proper data destruction is much greater than peace of mind.
Newtech Recycling is a New Jersey based ITAD provider that has embraced hard drive shredding as one of its most important services. Newtech’s mobile hard drive shredding teams and services continues to grow in popularity as our client network evolves and advances. Very few recyclers have the capacity to stay ahead of the regulatory landscape all while continuing an on-going commitment to full compliance in every aspect of the ITAD Industry. We are one of the few and we take tremendous pride in our accomplishments. Each of our certifications, standards, authorizations, permits and ID’s can be found detailed on our webpage in plain view. Our multifaceted management system is strictly followed by our entire organization. Each member of our team adheres to their responsibilities and audits are a daily practice. This special attention to detail is what keeps our teams leaders in the industry. Being at the forefront of compliance and Green initiatives is ultimately what differentiates Newtech from our competitors. We welcome any interested parties to visit our website and learn more.
Our fully trained, certified and insured recycling teams depart our facility every morning to perform specialty hard drive destruction services throughout the northeast. Our flexible nature allows us to customize these services to meet each and every one of our client’s needs. This, coupled with our technician’s extensive knowledge of equipment and procedures, allows our partners to make truly informed decisions on how to proceed with all categories of equipment and sensitive media. We pride ourselves in exceeding the expectations of our extensive network of businesses. This mentality is what has allowed us to grow by leaps and bounds over the past twenty two years.
Imagine the benefits of having a friendly and professional recycling staff actually visit your place of business. Having a team of technicians that can physically see operational gaps and then offer various solutions can be a tremendous help to any organization. Newtech Recycling teams don’t just back their trucks up to your docks. Our all encompassing white glove service covers every single ITAD base. From de-installation and removal of network equipment to inventories and shredding services, Newtech does it all…….everyday.
If you think you are in the market, or maybe soon, we encourage you to contact us and simply ask a few questions. The world is heading in a certain direction. You may be surprised to learn how much we can help.