Software Destruction
Software destruction is a form of data sanitation that involves the permanent erasure of application information, like the kind that’s often stored on hard drives, CD-ROMS, floppy disks, and other physical forms of digital media. This is accomplished through the use of special data destruction software that’s designed to go into a device’s storage sectors and scramble them from within.
In other words, you’re essentially using one program to get rid of another.
Manual deletion typically leaves behind recoverable traces of data, which can easily be reassembled and accessed by skilled tech experts. Software destruction, on the other hand, is a permanent solution as it renders the information irretrievable—for good.
How Does Software Destruction Work?
Contrary to what the term suggests, data destruction software doesn’t actually make the information stored on a piece of media disappear. Rather, it overwrites legible code with randomized binary entries (sequences of ones and zeros). This makes it indecipherable to the operating system that’s attempting to read it.
Without the ability to properly display the information, there’s nothing that any computer, program, or hacker can do to find out what it conveyed. The data in question has therefore effectively been “wiped” even though it’s really only changed form.
Here’s a simplistic example to help you better visualize how software destruction works: imagine writing down a secret on a piece of paper. Deletion is like tearing the paper to pieces and tossing it in the wastebasket—someone else could come along later, put it back together, and read whatever it is you wrote.
By contrast, data destruction is like scribbling over the words until they’re unrecognizable. Even if someone were to come upon the paper later, they wouldn’t be able to make heads nor tails of what it had once said.
When Is Software Destruction Performed?
Software destruction is standard procedure when a particular program or application becomes disused or decommissioned.
Rather than allowing the information on a targeted piece of software to remain in existence, license owners often opt to do away with it entirely. The erasure process ensures that no one will be able to get hold of the information and use it for illicit purposes, such as unauthorized reproduction or resale.
Businesses also rely on data destruction to protect their interests. Full-scale erasure keeps records, in-house communications, and sensitive financial details like accounts and transaction histories off-limits to unscrupulous parties, who may attempt to exploit it for personal gain.
Even if this information is outdated, it can still put the company or its clients in a compromising position should it end up in the wrong hands.
What Comes After Software Destruction?
Following the successful erasure of application data, the physical media often goes through a separate disposal process. Depending on the type of media in question, this may involve disassembly, shredding, or melting. When properly performed, data destruction is irreversible.
At Newtech Recycling, the protection of our client’s private information is the highest priority. If you have hard drives or other storage devices that you need disposed of safely and securely, don’t settle for anything less. Call Newtech Recycling today!
Related Terms: Electronic Recycling, TERRA, Certificate of Destruction