What Are Neurotoxins?

The human brain is a complicated and powerful machine. Not only is it the source of our thoughts, feelings, memories, and personalities, it also regulates our nervous system, our cardiovascular system, our endocrine system, our respiratory system, and more.


Anything that interferes with the brain’s functioning can have drastic consequences for our overall health and well-being. For that reason, it’s important to be aware of and take seriously the threat posed by neurotoxins. 


As powerful as our brains are, they’re also very delicate. Neurotoxins are dangerous substances that can negatively impact the structure and functionality of our neural tissue, i.e. the material from which our brains, spinal cords, and nervous systems are composed.

Neurotoxins in E-Waste

There are currently more than 1,000 chemical substances that are known to have neurotoxic effects. Some of the more common ones include mercury, nickel, and lead, all of which are used in the production of everyday electronic devices.


Neurotoxic materials can be found in everything from high-tech hospital and laboratory equipment to consumer-grade appliances, including computers, TVs, and cell phones.


Mercury, for example, is commonly found in LCD screens and monitors. Nickel is commonly found in wires, electrodes, batteries, and conductors. Lead is commonly found in computer mice, smoke alarms, remote controls, and smartphones.


Dumping these devices into landfills allows their neurotoxic components to contaminate the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil from which we grow our food. This is how e-waste neurotoxins often enter people’s bodies, leading to illness or even death.

Alternatively, proper e-waste recycling helps protect the population from neurotoxin exposure by ensuring that old and damaged electronics are disposed of responsibly.

A pile of discarded e-waste devices containing neurotoxins

Effects of E-Waste Neurotoxins

Even when properly disposing of e-waste, there is always the danger of neurotoxin exposure. That’s why it’s important to let trained professionals handle every step of the recycling process.


Neurotoxins disrupt the normal functioning of the brain and central nervous system by damaging brain cells as well as the nerves which carry important sense and regulatory information throughout the body. By interfering with these processes, neurotoxins can lead to the development of permanent physical disabilities, decreased motor functions, and even mental illness.


Some effects of neurotoxin exposure include the following:


  • Irreversible cognitive disability
  • Permanent damage to your liver 
  • Impaired regulation of emotional responses
  • Increased anxiety
  • Inhibited memory formation and retention
  • Behavioral problems such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders
  • Death

How to Protect Against E-Waste Neurotoxins

Neurotoxic metals and chemicals pose little threat when kept handled properly and kept securely inside the electronic devices they are used to create. However, when those devices age, suffer wear and tear, or are improperly disposed of, the danger of neurotoxin exposure rises dramatically.


Do you have unwanted electronics that you need to get rid of? Don’t put yourself or your loved ones at risk by trying to recycle them yourself, and don’t discard them in landfills where they end up polluting the environment either. Instead, contact Newtech Recycling.


At our state-of-the-art facilities, we can handle all your electronic and computer recycling needs, ensuring that your old technology is disposed of safely and responsibly. To learn more about how Newtech Recycling can help you stay safe from neurotoxins, contact us today!

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